Unit 4 History and culture : English NEB Class 11
Notes of English - History and culture CLASS 11 ENG . Padandas Notes
Ways with words
A. Match the words with their meanings.
Brevity -> lasting only for a short time
Conquest -> victory over a place or people by use of military force
Resemblance -> the state of being alike
Barbarian -> a member of an uncivilized group of people of culture
Ally -> one state united to another by a treaty or a league for a military purpose
Nobility -> state of being noble in character, quality, or rank
Ruthlessness -> character of having no pity or compassion
Decimation -> the killing or destruction of a large number of a population
Harsh -> cruel
Elixir -> liquid that is believed to cure all ills
B. Find the following words in the text and use them in sentences of your own.
The people live under a constant threat of invasion.
The present article will disregard this distinction.
His happiness was of paramount importance.
They had the populace on their side.
The peasants’ revolt was crushed by the king.
He was in constant fear of assassination and distrusted all around him.
It has reduced us politically to serfdom.
C. Consult a dictionary and prepare a list of ten homographs.
list of ten different homographs in table format is given below:
Homograph | Meaning |
a. bear | v. to carry or support |
b. bear | vi. to put up with |
c. bear |
vii. to have or hold |
D. Consult a dictionary and prepare a list of ten homographs.
Bass – a type of fish/low, deep voice
Bat – a piece of sports equipment/an animal
Evening – smoothing out/after sunset
Bear – to endure/animal
Close – connected/lock
Lean – thin/rest against
Bow – bend forward/front of a ship
Lead – metal/start off in front
Skip – jump/miss out
Fair – appearance/reasonable
A. Complete the table with the correct information from the text.
Period | Date |
Qin Dynasty Period | 221-206 BCE |
Zhou Dynasty Period | 1046-256 BCE |
Warring States Period | 426-221 BCE |
Unification of China by Qin | 221 BCE |
First Emperor of Qin Dynasty | Qi Shi Huangdi |
Death of Shi Huangdi | 210 BCE |
Liu Bang Period | 247 BCE to 195 BCE |
B. Answer these questions.
a. Why is the Zhou Age called a feudal age?
The Zhou Age is called a feudal age because Zhou period had followed the rule of feudalism.
b. What is the location advantage of the Qin?
The location advantage of Qin is the territory or area of dynasty is well bounded by mountains.
c. What contributed to the success in the warfare as described in the text?
The location of the state, their size of the army, and their expert use of the chariot contributed to their success in warfare.
d. Why did the Qin invite the foreign advisor, Shang Yang?
The Qin invited the foreign advisor, Shang Yang due to the lack of intellectual peoples in Qin.
e. What were the key features of the Qin political system?
The key features of the Qin political system were fear and control.
f. How were the people treated during the Qin Period?
The people were treated almost like slave in that period. People were supposed to contribute in all projects for welfare of Nation and were deprived from the approach of education.
g. Why did Shi Huangdi stop educating ordinary people?
Shi Huangdi stopped educating ordinary people because he believed that illiterate people can be controlled easily.
h. What did the Qin achieve by the legalism in practice?
The Qin achieved superior army, disciplined populace, obedient peoples, the great wall, great canal etc. by the help of legalism.
i. Why did Shi Huangdi never sleep in the same room for two consecutive nights?
Shi Huangdi never slept in the same room for two consecutive nights because of constant fear of assassination.
j. What are the everlasting marks of the Qin Dynasty?
The everlasting marks of the Qin Dynasty are as follows:
1. The Terracotta Army
2. Concept of Legalism
3. The Great Wall of China
4. The Grand Canal
5. Roads.
Critical thinking
a. The Great Wall and the Taj Mahal are the creation of the autocratic rulers. Present your view for or against this statement.
b. How do you describe the pros and cons of feudalism?
a. Write an email to your friend living abroad stating the contributions of Prithvi Narayan Shah in the unification of Nepal.
Grammar (Past Tense)
A. Read this paragraph and classify regular and irregular verbs in the bold face.
About 771 BCE, a barbarian invasion drove the Zhou rulers eastwards. During this time, the state of Qin became responsible for guarding the western frontier and they gradually moved eastward and eventually occupied the original Zhou domains. Thus, the Qin became a close ally of the Zhou and they also had marriage relations with the Zhou ruling class. King Ping of Zhou (r. 770-720 BCE) transferred titles of the nobility and huge estates to the chief of Qin.
- drove = regular verb
- became = irregular verb
- moved = regular verb
- occupied = regular verb
- became = irregular verb
- had = irregular verb
- transferred = regular verb
B. Complete the texts below using the correct past forms of the verbs from the bracket.
a. The Maya established a very advanced civilisation in the jungles of the Yucatan. However, their culture disappeared (disappear) by the time Europeans first arrived (arrive) in the New World.
b. When I turned (turn) on the radio yesterday, I heard (hear) a song that was popular when I was (be) at the basic level of my study. It took (take) me back to some old memories.
c. I was looking for a job. I applied (apply) for a job last week. Fortunately, I got (get) it and now I am a job holder.
C. Choose the correct words from the list and complete the sentences with the correct verb form.
a. Newton saw an apple falling from the tree.
b. Ramesh Bikal wrote many popular stories.
c. My jacket is expensive. It cost me Rs 5000.
d. She got up early in the morning yesterday.
e. When I was small, my father taught me at home.
f. Why did you throw the cap away?
D. Put the verb into the correct form and complete the sentences.
a. I went to see the film, but I did not it. (not/enjoy)
b. I met Rojina in town in a few days ago. (meet)
c. It was very warm, so I took off my coat. (take off)
d. Though the bed was very comfortable, I did not sleep very well. (not/sleep)
e. I started new job last week. (start)
g. He was too busy in the office yesterday. (be)
h. Nita invited her to the party, but she didn’t come. (invite)
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