Mass Communication: Introduction of Reporting and Types of Reporter
Introduction to Reporting
Reporting is the art, business, skill, profession of gathering information for immediate use. It is the part of collection and selection of information. The collection of information is the major aspect of reporting. Sometimes, the process of gathering news may involve risk of life. Unexpected news sources are important to generate significant news but your information from there needs careful verification. The process of selection of news starts in the newsroom on scheduled time. Specific desks are responsible for editing the specific type of news like political, commercial, sports and so on. This process is supervised by the news editor. Reporting is the dynamic of the news. If it is fails the newspaper would fail. Reporting has become a big business today.
Types of Reporters
There are various types of reporter who reports on a various field. Some of the types of reporter are as follow:
Assignment Reporters
Assignment reporters are also called general assignment reporters. It covers the notable incidents in their news coverage areas. The work of an assignment reporter is to write stories about community news events, such as car accidents or celebrity visits. It is the duty of a reporter because they are assigned by an editor.
Broadcast Captioner
Broadcast captioners are also called steno captioners. They use court reporting skills on the Stenotype machine to provide captions of live television programs for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers through real time technology. They caption news, emergency broadcasts, sports events, and another programming.
CART Provider
The captioning process is called Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART). It is also known as live-event captioning. It allows court reporters to provide more personalized services for deaf and hard-of-hearing people. CART providers accompany deaf and hard-of-hearing clients as needed. Freelance reporters are hired by corporations, unions, associations, and other individuals and groups. It refers to the accurate, complete, and secure records of pretrial depositions,
Freelance Reporter
Freelance reporters are hired by corporations, unions, associations, and other individuals and groups. It refers to the accurate, complete, and secure records of pretrial depositions.
Official Reporter
Official reporters work for the judicial system to convert the spoken word into text. The Official court reporters are front and center at controversial or famous cases like criminal trials, millionaire divorces, government corruption trials and lawsuits – ensuring that an accurate, complete and secure record of the proceedings is produced. The Official court reporters may also provide real-time during a courtroom setting to allow participants to read on a display screen.
Webcasters are reporters who use their training to capture financial earnings reports, sales meetings, press conferences, product introductions, and technical training seminars. They also instantly transmit the captions to all parties involved via the Internet. As participants speak into telephones or microphones, the words appear on everyone's computers, accompanied by any relevant documents or graphics.
Beat Reporters
A beat reporter specializes in one area of interest, from shopping to the environment to education. Sometimes called reporter specialists, these reporters keep up-to-date so they can find stories and inform the public of new developments.
Sports and Weather Reporters
Most media outlets have specialists in the sports and the weather. Many of these reporters are highly trained. The weather reporters who have degrees in meteorology and sports reporters who have played or studied sports at the college or professional level.