Class 11 Biology Notes

Our Class 11 Biology Notes provides complete resources or Biology notes for class 11 students. This notes covers all chapters notes with exercise solutions , Examination important questions solutions , practical files and model questions papers .

NEB Class 11 Biology Notes || All Chapters Notes

There are 10 chapters taughted in class 11 Biology notes in two sections Botany and Zoology like Botany Chapters Biomolecules and cell biology , Floral diversity, Introductory Microbiology, Ecology, Vegetation and Zoology Chapters like Introduction to Biology, Evolutionary biology, Faunal diversity, Biota and environment, Conservation biology .

Subject : Class 11 Biology Notes

Pdf notes : Class 11 Biology Pdf Notes

Class 11 Biology Chapters

Find all chapters from each units with notes and resources below.


Botany Chapters
Biomolecules and cell biology
Floral diversity
Introductory Microbiology


Zoology Chapters
Introduction to Biology
Evolutionary biology
Faunal diversity
Biota and environment
Conservation biology
If you have handwritten notes, exercise solutions and other necessary documents related to this subject Kindly Contribute here!

Videos and Tutorials of Class 11 Biology Practical

  1. Class 11th Biology notes by Edustudy point Project
  2. NEB Biology Botany Solution in Nepali| NEB  by Nepal Online School Nonprofit Project

Our NEB Class 11 Biology Notes are based on the latest syllabus of NEB (National Examination Board ) .

These notes and resources are helpful for students preparing for exams and completing assignments and notes for class 11 Biology course .

These notes are made such that it will be an ease for students doing assignments and question answers.