Our Class 11 Biology Notes provides complete resources or Biology notes for class 11 students. This notes covers all chapters notes with exercise solutions , Examination important questions solutions , practical files and model questions papers .
NEB Class 11 Biology Notes || All Chapters Notes
There are 10 chapters taughted in class 11 Biology notes in two sections Botany and Zoology like Botany Chapters Biomolecules and cell biology , Floral diversity, Introductory Microbiology, Ecology, Vegetation and Zoology Chapters like Introduction to Biology, Evolutionary biology, Faunal diversity, Biota and environment, Conservation biology .
Subject : Class 11 Biology Notes
Pdf notes : Class 11 Biology Pdf Notes
Class 11 Biology Chapters
Find all chapters from each units with notes and resources below.
Chapters |
Biomolecules and cell biology |
Floral diversity |
Introductory Microbiology |
Ecology |
Vegetation |
Chapters |
Introduction to Biology |
Evolutionary biology |
Faunal diversity |
Biota and environment |
Conservation biology |
Videos and Tutorials of Class 11 Biology Practical
- Class 11th Biology notes by Edustudy point Project
- NEB Biology Botany Solution in Nepali| NEB by Nepal Online School Nonprofit Project
Our NEB Class 11 Biology Notes are based on the latest syllabus of NEB (National Examination Board ) .
These notes and resources are helpful for students preparing for exams and completing assignments and notes for class 11 Biology course .
These notes are made such that it will be an ease for students doing assignments and question answers.