C Programming : BCA Note
C Programming Notes & Solutions
This note contains notes and pdf covering all syllabus of c programming bca notes.
C Proframming : BCA Second Semester Notes
This course includes both theoretical as well as practical concept of programming. Practical skill of programming are provided using C language which includes basic concept of C, operators and expressions, basic input/output function, control structures, array & string, function, pointer, structure and union, file handling and graphics in C.
Chapters of C programming Bca Notes
The general objectives of this course are to provide fundamental concepts of programming language, programming technique and program development using C programming language.
Chapters : BCA Computer Programming
Unit 1 Programming Language
Introduction to Programming Language, Types of Programming Language, Language Processor, Program Errors, Features of Good Program, Different Programming Paradigm, Software Development Model, Program Development Life Cycle, System Design Tools.
Unit 2 Programming Technique
Introduction to Programming Technique, Top down & Bottom up Approach, Cohesion and Coupling, Structured Programming, Deterministic and Non- deterministic Technique, Iterative and Recursive Logic, Modular Designing & Programming.
Unit 3 Basic Concept Of C
Introduction, History, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages, Structure of C program, Compiling Process, C Preprocessor and Header Files, Library Function, Character Set, Comments, Tokens and its types, Data types, Escape Sequences, Preprocessors Directives.
Unit 4 Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic Operator, Relational Operator , Logical Operator, Assignment Operator, Increment/decremen Operator , Conditional Operator, Bitwise Operator, Comma Operator, Size of Operator, Operator, Precedence and Associativity, Expressions and its EvaluatRyn ype Castin in Expression, Program Statement.
Unit 5 Input and Output
Input/Output Operation, Formatted 1/0 (scanf, printf), Unformatted 1/0 (getch- putch, getche, getchar-putchar and gets-puts)
Unit 6 Control Structure
Introduction, Type of Control Structure (Branching:if, if else, if elseif and switch case, Looping: while, do while and for and Jumping: goto, break and continue), Nested Control Structure.
Unit 7 Array
Introduction, Declaration, Initialization, One Dimensional Array, Multi Dimensional Array, Sorting (Bubble, Selection), Searching Sequential), String Handling.
Unit 8 User Defined Function
Introduction, Components, Function Parameters, Library Function vs. Users Defined Function, Different Forms of Function, Recursion, Passing Array to Function, Passing String to Function, Accessing a function (Call By Value & Call By Reference), Macros, Storage Class.
Unit 9 Pointer
Introduction, The Address(&) and Indirection(*) Operators, Declaration & Initialization, Pointer to Pointer, Pointer Expressions, Pointer Arithmetic, Passing Pointer to a Function, Pointer and Array, Array of Pointer, Pointer and String, Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Unit 10 Structure
Introduction, Declaration, Initializntion, Nested Structure, Array of structure, Array within Structure, Passing Structure & Anay of Structure to function, Structure & Pointer, Bit Fields, Union and Its Importance, Structure vs. Union.
Unit 11 Data File Handling
Introduction, Types of File, Opening & Closing Data File, Read & Write Function, Writing & Reading Data To and From Data File, Updating Data File, Random Accessing Files, Printing a File.
Unit 12 Introduction to Graphics
Initialization, Graphical Mode, Graphical Functions.
Lab Reports and Practical
sn | Bca Lap reports and practical |
1 | 📘 TU BCA Lab Report |
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