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Data Structures and Algorithms

Linked List


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Circular linked list

A circular linked list is a type of linked list where the last node in the list points back to the first node, forming a circular structure. This allows for efficient traversal of the list in either direction, as there is no end to the list and it is possible to move backwards and forwards through the list.

Complexity of Circular linked list

The time complexity of circular linked list operations depends on the specific operation being performed. Here is a summary of the time complexity of common circular linked list operations:

  • Accessing an element by index: O(n), as the list must be traversed from the head to the desired element.
  • Searching for an element: O(n), as the list must be traversed to find the element.
  • Insertion at the beginning or end of the list: O(1), as the next field of the head or tail node can be adjusted to point to the new element.
  • Insertion in the middle of the list: O(n), as the list must be traversed to find the appropriate position for the new element.
  • Deletion at the beginning or end of the list: O(1), as the next field of the head or tail node can be adjusted to skip over the element being deleted.
  • Deletion in the middle of the list: O(n), as the list must be traversed to find the element being deleted.

The space complexity of a circular linked list is O(n), as the list requires a separate node for each element being stored.

Overall, the time complexity of circular linked list operations can vary depending on the specific operation being performed, but the space complexity is always O(n).

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